
Michael has gone in for his 1 year checkup. Here are his stats.

Height: 31 in 90th percentile
Weight: 20 lbs 9 oz 25th percentile
Head: 18 1/2 in 70th percentile

His height and weight has been in the same percentiles for a while now. He is still tall and skinny.

David is 26

My wonderful husband turned 26 on March 8th. I am so grateful we got to celebrate his birth. He is a wonderful husband and father. I love him so much and am so blessed that I get to spend eternity with him!

I made David manicotti for dinner then we went to go cart riding. This is something David loves to do, but we never do because it is expensive. I just have to say, I beat David. It had nothing to do with my car being faster than his, it was all my driving skills. 🙂

I also made him a cake. It was chocolate so I didn’t like it but he seemed to love it.

I love you David!!!

I Can’t Believe It

My little boy is actually 1. I just can’t believe how fast the time has gone. Every time I look at him I wonder where my little baby has gone. I love him so much and am grateful that he is a part of our family!

I think Michael had a great day, he can’t really tell me so I don’t know for sure. We spent the morning shopping. I know this doesn’t sound very fun for a birthday BOY, but he enjoys it. He especially loved going to the balloon store and then staring at the balloons the entire way home.

In the afternoon we got the house ready for the little party. He enjoyed watching me put the streamers up, but didn’t like that he couldn’t have them. After they were up he kept looking at them and trying to grab them.

For dinner we had what I think is his favorite, lasagna. He ate quite a bit. After dinner family started arriving to celebrate Michael. Of course he had to wear a birthday shirt and hat. He didn’t enjoy the hat very much, so it didn’t stay on his head for long.

While people were getting to the house we played bottle bowling. I had lined up some baby bottles as pins and they look a ball and tried to knock them over. Michael just wanted to grab the bottles and one of the other kids just ran into them after someone bowled. It was cute and a lot of fun. Next Michael opened his gifts. He still isn’t too interested in this, so I opened most of them. He received some toys and lots of clothes. He got several pairs of jean which I am very thankful for. He can never have enough.

Opening Gifts:

He actually helped a little with the one we gave him:

But didn’t care for what is inside.

David has pushed him around in the dump truck and he loves it.

After the presents we had cake. Michael loves cake, so we were shocked to see how timid he was with this birthday cake. We gave it to him on the floor, and that could be the reason, but I’m glad we did. I gave him some in his highchair today and it went everywhere, it was a lot easier to clean up when he ate it on the floor. The video is really long so I am sorry. I made a big cake for the family and a little one for Michael.

While people ate we played a game. I had hung up pictures of Michael’s “Firsts” and everyone had to guess the date they thought they happened.

The party was a lot of fun, and I am thankful for everyone that was able to make it.